December 29, 2019 – So, What’s New
What’s New?
I grew up in a family of six kids, whose parents were Officers in the Salvation Army. Life was good, but I could not say we lived an extravagant lifestyle. When we went to a restaurant, “Water, please.”, was a most acceptable response to the waitress’ query regarding something to drink. Only the very daring would quickly mumble “Coke, please.”, which would trigger real admiration (and just a little concern) for the sibling who ventured forth so bravely.
When it came to clothing, hand me downs were just a way of life. (Pity brother #4) With six children at the table, there was always enough, but getting first crack at a plate of roast beef, or a bowl of mashed potatoes, was both exhilarating and nerve wracking. “How much is too much, since there are seven other people around this table?”
So, when a new jar of peanut butter, or a box of cereal needed to be opened for the first time – the joy of experiencing the ‘New’ was to be savoured. A birthday or Christmas present was new, and a treasure to hold onto. Of course, the peanut butter and the cereal tasted just as good from the bottom of the container, and the present was always appreciated, but there was just something wonderful about that moment of ‘newness’.
Here we are at the dawn of a New Year, and though it is just another day on the calendar – it is a marker that impresses upon us the advent of something new, and the anticipation of fresh beginnings, attitudes, possibilities and purposes.
Scriptures are clear that God is in the business of doing ‘new things’, ‘making new things’, ‘renewing’, and creating ‘new life’ around us and within us. Every moment is a moment of re-creation – a moment of transformation, a moment of growing, a moment of re-newal. And being re-newed implies something new being continuously created in our relationship with Jesus.
And of course, this New Life is offered to all, because of the Love and Mercy and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We simply need to believe, turn from the old, and receive the New.
Blessings in 2020!